Tots hem començat prenent imatges de l'Univers de manera informal. Alguns companys han tingut l'excel·lència com a objectiu. Han treballat molt, molt dur, l'han aconseguit i se'ls ha reconegut dins a l'Astronòmica, però també a fora de la nostra entitat. Els darrer mesos en tenim diversos exemples, tots ells s'ho han guanyat a pols.
Us els relacionem a continuació.
29/7/2021 - Image of the day - APOD - Carlos Uriarte - "The Tulip and Cygnus X-1"
12/8/2020 - Image of the day - APOD - Ignacio Llorens - "C/2020 F3 Neowise"
4/2/2019 - Image of the day - APOD - Josep M. Drudis - "Henize 70: A Superbubble in the LMC"
20/9/2018 - Image of the day - APOD - Josep M. Drudis - "Stars and Dust in Corona Australis"
11/5/2018 - Image of the day - APOD - Josep M. Drudis - "NGC 1360: The Robin's Egg Nebula"
19/1/2018 - Image of the day - APOD - Josep M. Drudis - "Clouds in the LMC"
16/09/2017 - Runner-up of the IAPY 2017 Our Moon category - IAPY - Jordi Delpeix - "Evening in the Ptolemaeus and Rupes Recta Region"
28/8/2017 - Amateur Astronomer Picture of the day - AAPOD2 - Aleix Roig - "The Fireworks hits again"
24/8/2017 - Image of the day - APOD - Josep M. Drudis - "The Eagle and The Swan"
27/7/2017 - Image of the day - APOD - Josep M. Drudis - "A Sagittarius Triplet"
17/6/2017 - Amateur Astronomer Picture of the day - AAPOD2 - David López-Curiel - "El rayo verde"
1/5/2017 - Amateur Astronomer Picture of the day - AAPOD2 - Lluís Romero - "NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula"
7/3/2017 - Image of the day - Astrobin - Lluís Romero - "M94 Sp'iral Galaxy & The Outer Ring"
22/2/2017 - European Picture of the day - EAPOD - Lluís Romero - "The Merope Nebula"
12/2/2017 - Amateur Astronomer Picture of the day - AAPOD2 - Manel Martin - "M45"
18/1/2017 - Image of the day - Astrobin - Lluís Romero - "M45 Pleiades or Seven sisters"
14/1/2017 - Amateur Astronomer Picture of the day - AAPOD2 - Josep M. Drudis - "M20 Trífid Nebula"
2/1/2017 - European Picture of the day - EAPOD - Lluís Romero - "The Bubble Nebula"
31/12/2016 - Winner of the IAPY 2016 Our Moon category - IAPY - Jordi Delpeix - "From Maurolycus to Moretus"
15/12/2016 - Amateur Astronomer Picture of the day - AAPOD2 - Alfredo Vidal - "La Luna. Región del cráter Maurolycus"
8/11/2016 - Image of the day - APOD - Josep M. Drudis - "The Cosmic Web of the Tarantula Nebula"